Smart solutions


CCS operates in the agricultural machinery segment manufacturing medium and large metal parts and assemblies for Planters, Sugarcane Harvesters, Grain Harvesters, Sprayers and Tractors. Our parts are used from soil preparation, through planting, spraying, harvesting and transporting food. We are present in all phases of Agricultural Production.

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Our Products

CCS focuses on producing highly complex steel parts for tractors, grain planters, sprayers, sugarcane harvesters, and more, according to technical standards and customers demands, from soil preparation to harvesting and food transportation.

parts and assemblies on demand

CCS focuses on producing high complexity steel parts, according to technical standards and customer demand, from soil preparation to harvest and food transportation, in tractors, grain planters, sprayers, sugar cane harvesters, and more.

Certificates and qualifications

CCS has been continuously certified by the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards for over 14 years, which shows our commitment to quality and the continuous improvement of our integrated management system.

We also have a series of certifications with major customers, which places us as a world-class supplier to the main multinational assemblers in the agricultural and paving segments.

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